We are now at our NEW location 286 Shore Road, Cornwall-on-Hudson NY 12520
We are now at our NEW location 286 Shore Road, Cornwall-on-Hudson NY 12520
We do not have all that is listed here. Brid's Closet's inventory is constantly changing. Give us a ring or stop by to see what we have in the store.
Agate, Blue Lace Communication, clarity, confidence
Agate, Fire Vitality, sexuality, creativity, will
Agate, Moss Stability, persistence, grounding
Alexandrite Joy and wisdom, release of sorrow
Amazonite Truth, communication, harmony
Amber Light, warmth, solar energies, clarification, healing
Amethyst Protection, purification, Divine connection, release of addictions
Ametrine Mental and spiritual clarity, decisiveness
Angel Aura Quartz Upliftment, peace, serenity, expanded awareness
Apache Tears Grounding, protection, psychic attunement, emotional healing
Apatite, Blue Psychic activation, access to knowledge
Apophyllite, Clear Inter-dimensional awareness
Aqua Aura Quartz Calming and relaxing, connection with spiritual realms, enhanced communication,
Aquamarine Cooling, soothing, enhancement of clear communication
Aventurine, Blue Psychic attunement, self-discipline, inner strength
Azurite Insight, vision, intuition, intellect
Bloodstone Strength, courage, purification, vitality
Cacoxenite Alignment with the Divine plan, spiritual cleansing and purification
Calcite, Blue Psychic ability, astral travel, soothing the emotional body
Calcite, Clear Insight, clarity, manifestation, forgiveness
Calcite, Elestial Angel Angelic communication, music of the spheres, visionary experience
Calcite, Green Relaxation, emotional balance, release of stress and resentment, connection with the heart
Calcite, Orange Creativity, sexuality, playfulness, confidence, innovation
Calcite, Honey Clarity of insight and action, confidence, persistence, intellectual power
Calcite, Pink Opaque Well-being, wholeness, health, empathy and connection with the “mind of the heart”
Calcite, Pink Transparent Emotional healing, compassion and joy
Calcite, Red Vitality, sensory awareness, clarity
Carnelian Courage, vitality, sexuality, confidence, action
Cathedral Quartz Access to spiritual information, multidimensional awareness
Celestial Quartz Access to stored information and Akashic records, grounding the spiritual in the physical
Celestite Angelic communication, access to higher dimensions, serenity
Chalcedony, Blue Calm, balance, centeredness, inner knowledge
Chalcedony, Purple Awakening of psychic abilities, aura cleansing, purification, union with the Higher Self
Charoite Revealing one’s path of service, purging inner negativity, protection, healing
Chlorite Phantom Crystals Self-healing, linking with Earth and Nature spirits
Chrysanthemum Stone Grounding, prosperity, discovering and achieving the soul’s purpose
Chrysoberyl Alignment of the will with the heart, abundance, prophetic vision
Chrysocolla Communication, expression of the sacred, goddess energies, gentleness and power
Chrysoprase Growth, compassion, connection with Nature, forgiveness, altruism
Cinnabar Alchemy, magic, transformation, insight, manifestation, wealth, mental agility
Citrine Manifestation, personal will, mental clarity, creativity
Clear Quartz Inner Clarity and Spirituality
Danburite Angelic communication, channeling, inter-dimensional travel, peace, freedom from stress
Diamond Intensity, radiance, sovereignty
Dolomite Centeredness, calm, balance, moderation, grounding
Dream Quartz Dream enhancement, astral travel, contact with guides, release of stress
Elestial Quartz Energy infusion from the higher realms, Divine Love, angelic communication, grounding the Higher Self in earthly life
Emerald Love, compassion, healing, abundance
Faden Quartz Healing the etheric body and auric field, catalyzing physical healing
Fairy Stones Communicating and co-creating with nature Spirits
Fairy Wand Quartz Attunement with fairy, devic and angelic realms, relaxation, inner peace
Fluorite Mental enhancement and clarity, improved decision making, clearing the energy fields
Garnet, Almandine Strength, security
Garnet, Black Andradite Grounding, protection, knowledge, creative
Garnet, Grossular Prosperity, health
Garnet, Rainbow Happiness, felicity, exuberance, playfulness, kindness, generosity, healing the inner Child
Garnet, Rhodolite Emotional healing, self-worth, walking the spiritual path
Goethite Connection with Earth, healing through grief, enhanced soul life, artistic creativity
Golden Healer Quartz Pure Golden Ray of spiritual light, self-healing
Golden Labradorite Right use of will, clarity, confidence, power, vitality, creativity, purposefulness, link with Great Central Sun
Hematite, Rainbow Repairing one's magnetic field, spiritual protection, Vibrational Ascension
Herkimer Quartz "Diamonds" Dreams, visions, purification, spiritualization of physical life
Imperial Gold Quartz Manifestation, sovereignty, co-creation with the Divine, emotional resilience
Infinite Healing and protecting the auric field, activating kundalini, sensitivity to subtle energies
Iolite-Sunstone Artistic inspiration, productive action, physical vitality, enhanced intuitive abilities
Iolite Inner vision, shamanic journeying, healing of old wounds, soul retrieval
Jade, Black Protection, clearing negativity
Jade, Blue Spiritual knowledge, clear thinking, discrimination
Jade, Green Health, abundance
Jade, Lavender High spiritual attunement, compassion, serenity
Jade, Purple Humor, spiritual knowledge and attunement
Jade, Red Courage, action
Jasper, Fancy Grounding mental energies; discipline and perseverance; slow, steady healing
Jasper, Genesis Grounding, increased longevity, aids one's persistence
Jasper, Ocean Enjoyment of life, release of negativity and stress, relaxation, positive self-expression
Jasper, Rainforest Earth-healing, connection with Nature, joy in life
Jasper, Red Physical strength and vitality, stabilization of one’s energies
Jasper, Royal Sahara Vitality, fertility, will, courage, creativity, prophetic vision
Jasper, Picture Inner journeying to sacred sites and ancient civilizations, connecting with Earth’s
Jasper, Spider Elemental magic, good health, connection to the archetypal masculine and feminine
Jasper, Unakite Healing, balance, release of bad habits, higher attunement, patient persistence
Jet Protection, purification, grounding
Kyanite, Black Balance, grounding, energizing, time travel, soul retrieval
Kyanite, Blue Inner bridges, psychic ability, past-life recall, telepathy, empathy
Kyanite, Green Psychically connecting with Nature
Kyanite, Orange Creativity, sexuality, physical evolutionary change, manifestation, clearing the second chakra
Kyanite, Indigo Spiritual awakening, astral travel, lucid dreaming, inner vision
Kunzite Divine Love, emotional healing, activation of the heart’s knowing
Labradorite Magic, protection
Lapis Lazuli Inner vision, truthful communication, royal virtues
Larimar Calming, cooling, soothing to the emotional body, enhanced communication, feminine power
Lazulite Psychic abilities, mental focus and discipline, enhancing transcendent brain function
Lemurian Seed Crystals Connection with the Divine Feminine, access to knowledge and wisdom of ancient Lemuria
Lepidocrocite Emotional healing, release of self-destructive patterns, love and empathy, soul retrieval, creative inspiration
Lepidolite Emotional healing and balance, purification, serenity, relaxation, stress relief
Lilac Lepidolite Soothing the emotional body, relieving stress, enhancing meditation, peace, serenity, love, Divine connection
Lithium Light Serenity, euphoria, upliftment to the Light
Lithium Quartz Inner peace, release from stress and negative attachments, aura healing, harmonizing relationships
Malachite Enlightened leadership, creativity, confidence, protection, a healed heart
Marcasite Physical vitality, spirituality in physical life, balancing energetic polarities
Merlinite Magic, intuition, connection with elemental energies, past-life recall, psychic openings, mediumship
Metal, Copper Channeling and grounding higher vibrations, conducting and enhancing stone energies
Metal, Gold Solar energy, the archetypal male energy, creativity, confidence, vitality
Metal, Silver Lunar energy, the archetypal feminine energy, mystery, introversion, the unconscious
Metal, Platinum Cosmic connection, inter dimensional communication
Metal, Titanium Power, action, higher awareness, bringing contradiction into synthesis
Moldavite Transformation, rapid spiritual evolution, chakra activation, cleansing, protection, increased incidence of synchronicities
Moonstone Mystery, self-discovery, intuition, insight, dreams, the goddess
Moonstone, Rainbow Optimism, vitality, inner peace, Rainbow Body of Light
Morganite Divine Love and compassion
Muscovite Mental stimulation, inspiration, problem solving, attunement to the future
Mystic Merlinite Alignment of the chakra column, balancing and integrating polarities, claiming one’s wholeness
New Zealand Dragon Eggs Increase in overall vitality, Increase enjoyment of life
Nuummite Personal magic, inner journeys, attuning to elemental forces, self-mastery
Obsidian, Black Psychic protection, grounding, cleansing of negativity, spirit communication
Obsidian, Gold Sheen Healing abuse of power, activating the higher Will, enhanced manifestation
Obsidian, Mahogany Release from inner limitations, healing feelings of unworthiness
Obsidian, Peacock Shamanic journeying, astral travel, psychic protection
Obsidian, Rainbow Recovery from emotional wounds, the deep journey through darkness into Light
Obsidian, Snowflake Perseverance, insight, attunement to spiritual guidance, past-life recall, spirit communication
Onyx Inner strength, focused attention, willpower, self-mastery, discipline, reason
Opal, Black Precious Manifestation of one’s intention, amplification of emotions, revealing and releasing psychic wounds
Opal, Common Support and heal the emotional body
Opal, Fire Passion, creativity
Opal, Oregon Joy, self-expression, imagination
Opal, Violet Flame Spiritual purification and healing, cleanse and purify the etheric body
Opal, White Precious Intensification of emotions, purification
Peridot Increase prosperity, warmth, well-being
Petrified Wood Steady growth, a strong body, past-life recall, inner peace
Pietersite Insight, intuition, increased power of the will, precognition, interdimensional travel, self-transformation
Prehnite Inner peace, union of the heart and the will, communication with non-physical beings
Rhodocrosite Emotional healing, recovery of lost memories and forgotten gifts, self-love, compassion
Rhodonite Discovering and developing hidden talents, com-passion, love, generosity, altruism
Rose Quartz Love, gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the Divine
Ruby Fuchsite Strong emotional body, valuing of oneself, increased life force
Ruby Kyanite Life Force, courage, passion, intuition, psychic ability, inspiration, visionary awareness
Ruby Life force, courage, passion, strength, enthusiasm, adventurousness, protectiveness
Russian Red Quartz Life force, sexuality, creativity, arousal of kundalini, enthusiasm for life
Rutilated Quartz Programmable for attunement, amplification, expanding awareness, quickening and grounding manifestation
Rutile Attunement, amplification, acceleration, expanding awareness, quickening manifestation
Sapphire, Blue Awareness, discipline
Selenite Spiritual activation, communion with the Higher Self, spirit guides and angels
Seraphinite Self-healing, regeneration, wholeness, angelic connection
Serpentine Awakening of higher brain functions, connection with Nature, kundalini awakening
Shungite Cleansing and purification, infusion of spiritual light, adherence to truth
Smoky Quartz Grounding, transmutation of negative energies, practicality, organization, manifestation of one’s dreams and inspirations
Sodalite Access to subconscious and intuitive abilities, enhanced insight and mental performance, deepened intuition
Spirit Quartz Merging with the Higher Self, purification, protection, spiritual evolution, freedom from fear
Stilbite Clear thinking, expansion of self-sense, inner peace, enhancing one’s dreams
Sunset Gold Selenite Creating through the will, integration of the brain hemispheres, unification of brain/mind and heart/wisdom
Sunstone Leadership, benevolence, strength, abundance of blessings, enlightened male energy
Tangerine Quartz Creativity, sexuality, passion, curiosity, inspiration, playfulness, innocence
Tektite Connection with ETs, telepathic communication, raising one’s vibrational level
Tiger Eye Balance between extremes, discernment, vital-ity, strength, practicality, fairness
Tiger Iron Strength, stamina, focused will, physical energy and strength, self-healing, grounding
Titanium Quartz Increased life force and vitality, activation of the Rainbow Body of Light, humor and relaxation, enjoyment of life
Topaz, Blue Enhancement of mind and communication
Topaz, Golden Manifestation of personal intention, will and desires
Topaz, White Spirituality, psychic gifts, mental clarity
Tourmaline, Black Purification, protection
Tourmaline, Rubellite Alignment of the individual and Universal heart, healing the heart and emotions, rekindling one’s passion for life
Tourmaline, Watermelon Calm, joy
Tourmalined Quartz Purification, recovery from negative influences
Turquoise Wholeness, communication and spiritual expansion
White Phantom Quartz Access to Akashic records, connection with spirit guides, energy cleansing
Wulfenite Creativity, manifestation, determination, sexuality, alchemy, Earth connection
Zoisite Increase in inner and outer development, awakening of the true self, joyful engagement with life
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